“Genie 2: A Large-Scale Foundation World Model,” n.d. https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/genie-2-a-large-scale-foundation-world-model/
When hasztag#OpenAI still plays with toy hasztag#GenAI algorithms made by Google, the actual research made by the hasztag#DeepMind team explores the more advanced, creative solutions!
“A High-Velocity Style of Software Development,” n.d. https://mihaiolteanu.me/interactive-dev
Small rant like blog post where the author shares idea on implementing PoC without much collaboration with other people inside the company.
What I liked was the part where they explained the need of shortening the feedback loops. There is a huge need of mocking the input data for your projects, and I see plenty of developers miss this crucial problem.
What I liked was the part where they explained the need of shortening the feedback loops. There is a huge need of mocking the input data for your projects, and I see plenty of developers miss this crucial problem.