What I found interesting this time

by: Artur Dziedziczak

September 8, 2024

“My Coding Experience with LLM,” n.d. https://kokada.dev/blog/my-coding-experience-with-llm/

I really enjoy reading unbiased opinions on #LLM. There are plenty of people biased, just like me. The ones who do not use LLM from principle of believing it was created by #stealing content.
Still, the #technology seems to be useful and really helpful for #programmers. This blog post describes different situations in which #GO programmers used LLMs to get helpful responses.
Apparently, it can be helpful, and probably I’m missing a lot while not using it.

“Popup Images on Mouse Move,” n.d. https://www.dziedziczak-artur.com/creative-examples/pointer/popup-images/

I tried to recreate one of the effects found on awwwards website.
I think it went pretty good. One thing which is not there is velocity while moving the tiles.

“What’s New in C26 (Part 1),” n.d. https://mariusbancila.ro/blog/2024/09/06/whats-new-in-c26-part-1/

Apparently they added new features to C26
- you can specify the reason for function deletion, not sure why it’s part of the method semantic and not some comment or note
- placeholder variables with no name
And two more which I don’t understand anymore. Yes, new C++ looks even more messy than 5 years ago.

“Leyendecker’s Method A Rare Glimpse into the Techniques of a French-Trained Golden-Ager.,” n.d. https://jamesgurney.substack.com/p/leyendeckers-method

As a beginner artist, I have a huge issue with drawing details. When I isolate certain smaller parts of the painting, it starts to look better, but still not good enough.
Apparently, there is a way to make it more methodical.
1. Get some model to work on like a photo reference
2. Draw small rough sketches two by three inches
3. Select one which has is simply the best
4. From the pose of your sketch take the most important details and draw them separately, focussing on important details.
5. Remove the photo and work only with those sketches you made
I really like this concept as it allows you to focus on creative painting instead of copying the model.