“Please, Don’t Force Me to Log In,” n.d. https://hamatti.org/posts/please-dont-force-me-to-log-in/
The worst for me is Philips Hue which now requires you to make an account to control your Philips lightbulb.
“The Engineering behind Figma’s Vector Networks,” n.d. https://alexharri.com/blog/vector-networks
The blog post is extremely detailed, and it starts with some basic information on the "pen" tool in other vector graphic software. Then the author explains the principles behind vector network and the math behind it.
To be fair, I read through it and did not understand everything. I’ll have to go back to this post as the representation of shapes with a network system can be applied to various problems.
“Accelerating the Science of Language Models,” n.d. https://allenai.org/olmo/olmo-paper.pdf
“The Music Player You Wish You Had in the Early 2000s,” n.d. https://www.crowdsupply.com/cool-tech-zone/tangara
Not only was it recommended by the developer with these words, "u can buy my gay mp3 player if you want, I think its a pretty cool device" but it also looks like the iPod I never had money for.
Still, the price of it is so high that I can’t afford it now. I wish the development team of this project all the best! Cool stuff!
“Making a PDF That’s Larger than Germany,” n.d. https://alexwlchan.net/2024/big-pdf/
It’s suuuper worth to read it.
“Understanding Parquet, Iceberg and Data Lakehouses at Broad,” n.d. https://davidgomes.com/understanding-parquet-iceberg-and-data-lakehouses-at-broad/
It also touches on the topic of data formats that can be used to store large quantities of data.
“Rhyming AI-Powered Clock Sometimes Lies about the Time, Makes up Words,” n.d. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/01/rhyming-ai-powered-clock-sometimes-lies-about-the-time-makes-up-words/?utm_brand=arstechnica&utm_social-type=owned&utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social
21st century, and I feel like we went back to caves.
“Announcing TypeScript 5.4 Beta,” n.d. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-4-beta/
“Predirect,” n.d. https://github.com/libreom/predirect
I haven’t tried it yet, but even without installing it, it’s worth checking out the alternatives grouped in one big list.
“Npm Flooded with 748 Packages That Store Movies,” n.d. https://blog.sonatype.com/npm-flooded-with-748-packages-that-store-movies
Guuurl, if you ever do such a thing, please at least make it right…
1. Encrypt your files with, for example, gpg.
2. Change your extension to file-bundle.gz and put a password on it.
Now no one internally on Github can see your code or movies. Let their AI decrypt it and wonder what’s there, not just change the file extension.